On October 6, 2023, the National Sports Academy „Vassil Levski“ is organizing the seventh edition of the Scientific and Practical conference „Sports and Security“. The conference aims to bring together scientific knowledge gained by the national and international scientific community in the field of sports safety to enable professional discussions on current policies of national and international organizations responsible for the prevention and protection of security in sports. The topics that will be presented and discussed at the conference are among the hottest topics related to sports and various aspects of security – social, psychological, organizational and educational measures ensuring public order and security in sports, effective coping and counteracting pandemics situations and terrorist threats at sporting events, countering hooliganism and racism in sport, anti-doping measures, coping techniques, and personal security, etc. We hope for the active and valuable contribution of all those who have scientific and practical interests in this topic.
Keynote speakers:

Presentation Title:
Еuropean perspectives on the protection of children and spectators in sport.
Head of the Children’s rights and Sport Values Department at the Council of Europe
A graduate of Political Science from the Universities of Sofia (BG) and York (UK), Irena Guidikova has been working at the Council of Europe since 1994. Her carrier has taken her from youth policy and research, though the future of democracy in Europe, to cultural policy and inclusion and anti-discrimination. Her work involved producing standards on e-governance and e-voting, party financing and internet literacy, safeguarding diversity via film funding, and multi-level policies for intercultural integration of migrants and refugees. She has also been policy advisor in the Private Office of the Secretary General, the coordinator of the World Forum for Democracy (www.world-forum-democracy.org) and has lead the Inclusion and Anti-discrimination programmes of the Council of Europe, dealing with countering hate speech, LGBTI equality, migrant inclusion and minority rights. She is currently Head of the Children’s rights and Sport Values Department.
June 15, 2023 – Deadline for registration for participation with a summary
August 30, 2023 – Deadline for submission of full texts
* The conference proceedings will be published and provided to all registered participants who have paid the registration fee.
**Articles that do not meet the requirements and the reviewers return them will be redirected for publication in the Annual of the National Sports Academy „Vassil Levski“.
September 12, 2023 – Deadline for payment of participation fee with full text or presentation
Important! Until 1 September 2023, anyone wishing to participate in the conference without publishing and submitting a scientific report can register by stating in the registration form that they will participate without publication or presentation.
All participants should submit an online registration for participation and if they will participate as an author they should submit also an abstract.
Payment can be made at the cash register office of NSA “Vassil Levski” or by bank transfer:
Bank account:
BG 83 BN BG 9661 3100 1751 01
BNB – Central Office, NSA “Vassil Levski”
Reason for payment: Name, Surname, Conference “Sport and Security”
Participation fee with publication – 150 leva (approx. 75 euro)
For students and doctoral students – 75 leva (approx. 38 euro)
* Each participant can participate with no more than 1 article as a first author.
Scientific Committee
President of the Scientific Committee:
Prof. Tatiana Iancheva, DSc. |
Members: |
Dr. Melanie Lang | Edge Hill University (UK) |
Prof. Krassimir Petkov, DSc. | Faculty of Sports, National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”, (Bulgaria) |
Prof. Milovan Braric, PhD | Faculty of Sports, and Physical Education, University of Niš (Serbia) |
Prof. Nebojša Čokorilo
| Faculty Of Sport, University Union – Nikola Tesla (Serbia)
Prof. Lence Aleksovska – Velickovska | Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health, Ss Cyril And Methodius University (North Macedonia) |
Assoc. prof. Ina Vladova, PhD | Pedagogical Faculty, National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria) |
Assoc. prof. Milena Kuleva, PhD | Department of Language Teaching and Information Technology, National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria) |
Only materials submitted for participation in the conference within the set deadline will be allowed for publication.
Language: The full texts will be accepted in English language ONLY.
Article technical form: The full texts should be written in Microsoft Word Windows program, on A4 paper format, Times New Roman font, size 12 pt in 1.5 spacing, aligned on both sides. Page format should be: Top: 2,5 сm, Bottom: 2,5 сm, Left: 2,5 сm, Right: 2,5 сm.
Article length: The text should not be less than 5 pages and should not exceed 10 pages, including title, author(s) text, tables, figures and references. The main structural elements of the articles should be as follows:
Title: The title must be not more than twenty words long and it must not contain abbreviations.
Author(s): Full name of each author (do not include degrees and positions); the last author is entered with „&“; Institution of the authors. The corresponding author must be marked with an asterisk (*) at the end of the surname and an e-mail for contact should be written.
ORCID iD: Authors are required to provide the ORCID number to all authors in the author team, and this information is placed after the information about the authors and before the abstract. It should be written as follows:
Name, Surname – https://orcid.org/0000-000Х-ХХХХ-ХХХХ
Abstract: The abstract should be a general presentation of the topic, results and conclusions. Authors should not use abbreviations. The abstract should not exceed 2000 characters or about 300 words, including spaces.
Key words: You should not use more than five words that are not part of the title, they must be separated. Keywords should reflect the content of the article and should be written in italic.
Main structure: Introduction, Aim of the study, Methods, Results and analysis, Discussion, Acknowledgment (if any).
Each section must be capitalized and bold. For example: METHODOLOGY
If subheadings are used, they must be in italics and bold. For example: Statistical analysis
Tables and figures: Each table must be placed in the text. The tables must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and be accompanied by a short title. For example: Table 1. Age distribution.
The figures, graphics and photos must be displayed as a Figure and with consecutive numbering. Each figure must have a short title. For example: Figure 2. Comparative analysis of players by age. In case the figures are taken from another article/book, it must include the original name and the source indicated under the figure.
Avoid placing a figure or table in the text, as a photo.
Notes or Acknowledgments: If it is necessary to make a note, clarify or express gratitude for the assistance and support of your colleagues or organization, then this information should be written at the end of the main text and before the references list.
References: The references used should be written in APA style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy, and consistency. Authors who are not cited in the main text should not be present in the literature used. It is not tolerated to add sources that have no logical connection with the topic of the article. They must be presented in one of the following ways:
– When quoting only one author: Author’s last name and year of publication, for example: Adams, 2006.
– When quoting a literature source with two authors: Cite the last names of the two authors of the publication and the year of publication, for example: Adams, Brown, 2006. If there are three, all the three must be cited. When quoting a literature source with more than three authors: only the surname of the first author and the year of publication, et al., for example: Adams et al., 2006.
Reference list: The list of references should be listed alphabetically at the end of the material without numbering.
For books: Surname, Initials. year. Title of Book, Publisher, Place of publication. Example: Harrow, R. 2005. No Place to Hide, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.
For journals/publications: Surname, Initials. Year of publication. Title of paper, Title of the journal, Publisher, Place of publication, Page numbers. Doi. Example: Duffield, R., & Marino, F. E. 2007. Effects of pre-cooling procedures on intermittent-sprint exercise performance in warm conditions. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 100(6), 727-735. doi: 10.1007/s00421-007-0468-xPage
For electronic sources: If the source is available on the Internet, the full web address (URL) must indicate the end of the references and the date on which you used it. Example: Surname, Initials, year. Name of the article, available at: URL address (date of access) Example: Agency. 2007. Water for Health: Hydration Best Practice Toolkit for Hospitals and Healthcare. Retrieved 10/29, 2013, from www.rcn.org.uk/newsevents/hydration
Contact information with the corresponding author: Name and address of the author – institution, city and email address. This information should be at the end of the text.
Requirements to send the text:
When sending the text, please send the file as follows:
SURNAME of the first author-text.docx
In case your text is returned for revision, then you should write:
SURNAME of the first author-text-new.docx
If you are submitting two full texts for which you are the first author, then the file should be named as follows:
SURNAME of the first author-text-2.docx
The same goes for additional files you send, such as a high-resolution photo or table. For example:
SURNAME of the first author-Figure1.jpeg
The full text will be published if the author complies with the formatting requirements developed by the members of the Editorial Board in accordance with the standards of the global system of abstracting, indexing and evaluation.
For inquiries and sending full texts you can use the conference e-mail: ss_conference@nsa.bg
Email: ss_conference@nsa.bg
Phone: +359 2 4014(325)
Working hours: 9:00 am to 16:00 pm
Working days: Monday to Friday